
Responsive design evolved: exploring the power of CSS @container queries
Responsive design evolved: exploring the power of CSS @container queries Let’s check out an exciting development in the world of web design – CSS container queries. We all know that […] EN
React rendering woes? Here’s how to solve unexpected ‘0’ renders
React rendering woes? Here’s how to solve unexpected ‘0’ renders During my daily React-related pull request reviews, I often stumble across conditional renderings that are considered code smell. These conditions […] EN
Just another Vietnamese pop song: Why not? by Trúc Nhân
Just another Vietnamese pop song: Why not? by Trúc Nhân Sometimes things happen very fast: I ran into my local GS25 grocery store to get some sandwiches and a Coke, […] EN
Easy, medium, hard, or insane? The challenge of designing difficulty levels in games
Easy, medium, hard, or insane? The challenge of designing difficulty levels in games In the gaming universe, striking the right balance in difficulty level can be pretty tricky. Sure, we all crave a […] EN
Get started with AutoGPT, the stunning GPT-4 experiment that controls itself
Get started with AutoGPT, the stunning GPT-4 experiment that controls itself AutoGPT is a GitHub repository that has created a buzz in the tech community, gaining more than 100,000 stars in […] EN
Discover the exotic blend of Indian and Vietnamese culture in Võ Hạ Trâm’s “Về Với Em”
Discover the exotic blend of Indian and Vietnamese culture in Võ Hạ Trâm’s “Về Với Em” Check out Võ Hạ Trâm’s latest single “Về Với Em” (literally translated: come back to me) for a refreshing mix […] EN
Travel back in time with these SimCity 2000 remixes
Travel back in time with these SimCity 2000 remixes Sometimes all you need to relive the good old days of 90’s gaming is some nostalgic midi music, like the […] EN
Massive numbers: putting the mass of the observable universe into perspective
Massive numbers: putting the mass of the observable universe into perspective The mass of ordinary matter in the observable universe is estimated to be ≈2×10^53 kg or ≈200 sexdecillion kilograms, a […] EN
Neom: The Line – how Saudi Arabia sinks $1 trillion into the sand
Neom: The Line – how Saudi Arabia sinks $1 trillion into the sand By now everyone has probably heard of The Line, Saudi Arabia’s ambitious plan to create a futuristic smart city in […] EN