Constantly switching from I Can’t Get No Sleep to A Little Bit Off Today 😵‍💫

Constantly switching from I Can’t Get No Sleep to A Little Bit Off Today 😵‍💫

Ughhh, I can’t get no sleep. Night after night I toss and turn in my bed, counting sheep until the tropical sun rises. When I finally manage to drift off to dreamland, I wake up like a zombie.

I can’t get no sleep, I’m a little bit off today.

My head is all messed up and I feel like I’m walking in a fog. Everything’s dizzy, and it’s not only because of the constant hazardous air pollution. I stumble around home and office trying to make sense of it all, but it’s like my brain is still half asleep. I can barely string ten thoughts together. I’m a little bit off today. And yesterday. And the day before yesterday. And yesterweek. And yestermonth. And yesteryear. And yesterlife.

I can’t get no sleep, I’m a little bit off today.

It’s been repeating night after night, for years. I’m stuck in this vicious cycle of exhaustion and disorientation. It’s like living in a perpetual state of jet lag. » With insomnia, you’re never really awake; but you’re never really asleep «ᶠᶦᵍʰᵗ ᶜˡᵘᵇ

I can’t get no sleep, I’m a little bit off today.

I have tried almost everything to get a good night’s sleep. Warm milk, melatonin, hard liquor, sex, meditation, exercise, massage, sports, boring lectures, and even counting backwards from 10,000. I usually stop at 5,000. Nothing seems to work. I’m just so tired all the time.

I can’t get no sleep, I’m a little bit off today.

I need a lifetime vacation or something. Some place I can relax and let my body reset. Or maybe need to accept that I’m not going to sleep at all and learn to live with this constant sleepiness.

I can’t get no sleep, I’m a little bit off today.

This is me. These are my current hymns. Sigh… I think I need a nap 😵‍💫😴

Faithless – Insomnia

Five Finger Death Punch – A Little Bit Off

Hero image: screenshot of the YouTube video Insomnia by Faithless.

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